What do I need to do to purchase from you?

It depends on the brands you are interested in, just send us an email sales@providencepurchasinggroup.com or call us at 305-407-8635 and we will work directly with you to make it as easy as possible.

What documents do I need to purchase from you?

You must be an established corporation and purchase in master case quantities.

Do you only sell to customers oversees?

It depends on the brand. If you are a US retailer let us know what brands your interested in and we will put you in contact with someone who can help you in case we cannot.

How can we receive a quote for product we are interested in?

Simply send us and email to sales@providencepurchasinggroup.com or Contact-Us using our site and give us your contact information and the Brands you are interested in. We will call you and take it from there.

Do you have access to other merchandise outside the Pet industry?

Yes, we do have access to other products outside the pet industry. Send us an email at sales@providencepurchasinggroup.com or Contact-Us using our site and tell us what you are interested in, we will call you to discuss the opportunity.

Still have questions? Contact-Us or email us at info@providencepurchasinggroup.com